29.10.2019 в 01:21
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Джереми Реннер сохранит пост Соколиного глаза
Согласно газете Independent, продюсеры решили не отказываться от актёра после обвинений его бывшей жены, не так давно пролившей свет на истинные причины их развода.
Реннеру будет позволено тихо-мирно работать над своим собственным сериалом, в котором он будет заниматься наставничеством своей молодой напарницы.MovieBlog
А это с comicbookmovie
«Due to Jeremy Renner's messy divorce, there have been rumblings that Marvel Studios considered changing tact with Hawkeye by removing Clint Barton from it altogether. It was hard to believe, but given some of his ex-wife's claims, it also wouldn't have been a massive shocker to fans.
Well, the Independent has now weighed in and say that, "Despite the claims that Disney considered casting someone else, it’s believed bosses have decided against the idea and will permit Renner to appear in future Marvel films."
Considering the fact that this series is set to delve into Hawkeye's past (and Kate Bishop's future), it would have been hard to write him out, and it seems unfair to punish the actor for what should actually be a very private matter. Unfortunately, the nature of this divorce has made it public.» — Х